latest tip from
The Children's Project
mealtime: feeding can be messy but fun!
Many parents worry that their children are not eating enough food or not getting the right nutrition, and go to great lengths to try and persuade their child to eat more. Young children will not starve themselves, and forcing them to eat may lead to eating problems in the future. Provided children are healthy, bright-eyed, and full of energy and life, there is no need for concern. If complete meals are rejected by a child, parents can help ensure that he or she gets sufficient nutrition by providing a selection of finger foods.
Children take great delight in feeding themselves, even if the food does not always end up where it’s supposed to! Children learn eating skills by copying others and through trial and error. They also practice ‘in and out’ and ‘sorting’ when feeding themselves, and are able to show clearly when they have had enough to eat.*
The Children's Project helps to show why babies and children behave the way they do, so that parents and carers will be better able to understand them and respond appropriately. More tips and information on interacting with your baby can be found in The Social Baby, The Social Toddler and 'BabyShapes' books.